Lobby GitHub for AsciiDoc support in Jekyll blogs hosted on GitHub Pages

Lobby GitHub for AsciiDoc support in Jekyll blogs hosted on GitHub Pages


Help get the jekyll-asciidoc Converter whitelisted for GitHub Pages, and get native AsciiDoc support in GitHub Pages hosted Blogs!

  1. Send a support request to GitHub Support.

  2. Quote the repo name: https://github.com/asciidoctor/jekyll-asciidoc.

  3. Tell them why you want AsciiDoc support for your blog.

You can get around Asciidoctor support in GitHub Pages by using Netlify and build systems like https://stackbit.com.


I’ve been following the work that Dan Allen’s AsciiDoctor project has been doing recently.

The other day he announced that they were successful in getting the jekyll-asciidoc Converter added to the list of plug-ins on the Jekyll Plug-ins Page


The logical next step would be to get this converter whitelisted for GitHub Pages. Folks new to Jekyll could then fork a Jekyll AsciiDoc-aware Git Repo and start blogging directly on mobile devices.

Setup complexity

Folks that want to try out Jekyll blogging on a mobile device only have the choice of MarkDown if they don’t have access to a PC. To get Jekyll AsciiDoc support working for a Mobile authoring environment, you need to:

  1. Use a computer to configure your repo, which for some folks is a deal-breaker.

  2. Configure Ruby and Rubygems.

  3. Install and configure Jekyll.

  4. Configure Travis CI to detect when you commit changes to a branch and build the site.

Only then can you write in .adoc on your mobile device and have the content published to GitHub Pages.

It shouldn’t be that difficult! The team over at AsciiDoctor are working on a forkable repo that should take some of the complexity out of working with AsciiDoc on GitHub Pages. Discussion prompting this repo is tracked on Issue 26 of the jekyll-asciidoc repository.

In contrast, Barry Clark’s jekyll-now project—​a fantastic Jekyll blog repo that removes the complexity of Jekyll Set-up and Ruby for new adopters—​does it like this:

  1. Fork the repo: your default blog is live!

  2. Make a few changes to the _config.yml file.

  3. Commit and Push.

  4. Your customised blog is live!

How you can help

If you currently use Jekyll to blog, or have tried it in the past but abandoned it, it would be a great time to drive adoption of this documentation solution.

With the plug-in whitelisted, repos like Barry Clark’s could be created that "Just Work" and let folks get on with the job of creating blog posts without the config overhead.